UMF™20+ Mānuka Honey
Product Info
Ngati Porou Mānuka honey is an indigenous product sourced from the traditional lands of our people. Mount Hikurangi is our peak or summit. Our Maori Ancestry have a close association with their mountains which is represented in all of us as Ngati Porou. Each product can be traced back to its original source from where the Mānuka grows. Our honey is authentically sourced Mānuka honey through our Mānuka cycle accreditation programme.
UMF™ is a quality trademark. The UMF™ grading system appraises natural markers found in Mānuka honey and assures purity and quality.

Our Pristine Native Land
Mount Hikurangi sits on the eastern tip of the Raukumara Conservation Park, 115,000 hectares of pristine native New Zealand forest. The park has a dedicated team tasked with ensuring the forest remains in pristine condition for future generations. This area provides the ideal home for our bees, a warm climate with an abundance of food. Untouched by urbanisation, the region remains sparsely populated due to the isolation the Conservation Park provides.